Crickt World Cup 2015 Schedule, starts from 14,February-2015 and 45 Days Grand Tour.

I come from a Hindu family . And I'm definitely not one among those who regularly visit the temples and chant all the things that they don't really understand . My mother always used to urge me to try and follow Lord Hanuman and recite his Bajans ( prayers in the form of songs ) . I was very reluctant earlier .

One day ,out of the blue, while I was on my way back to home after visiting a temple , I bought a book of Hanuman Chalisa . Back home I downloaded the chalisa . Heard it once . Found it too long . Copied it into my mobile . And then ??

I totally forgot about it . Later one day , when I was in a very bad mood and wanted to deviate my attention, turned to my mobile and played the only song in it - Hanuman Chalisa .

And to my surprise , the sound turned out to be so soothing . Though I hardly understood a quarter of it , it created good vibes. I may sound very dramatic ; but it had actually happened . I went back to the book I had bought and started to read and understand it .

Many of the Hanuman devotees insist on reciting the 40 verses each day in order to gain blessing from the lord .I personally either go through the verses or listen to the bhajan atleast once a day because of the kind of mental peace it beings . I still cannot recite the chalisa without reading it from the book . But I made it a point to understand it fully .

Here , I will give you the meaning of the Chalisa in simple words . The picture above each verse will be a pictorial representation of the verse .

Please help me improve this explanation and let me know through the comments if you find any flaws.

Chalisa means 40 verses . There are numerous bhajans sung by many artists . I suggest you to listen to the chalisa sung by Anup Jalota .It is considered to be the most melodious Hannuman chalisa though it is a little long .You can download it form here --> Download Hanuman Chalisa

The pictures I used in this article are from the book I mentioned above . I really wish to give credit to the one behind the art. Unfortunately, I have no clue of him/her . All I wish is that may lord bless him .. may he live long and create more such great stuff.

Many Many Happy BirthDay Wishes to you BirthDay Wishes This is a 11th Cricket World Cup, Australia and Newzealand collectively hosting this Wold Cup 2015

The Time Table is:

Cricket WorldCup 2015
Cricket World Cup 2015 Time Table